Format Label dialog
This dialog appears when you right-click a label of a chart and then select Format Label from the shortcut menu. It helps you to format the titles of a chart, and consists of the following tabs:
Applies the changes and closes the dialog.
Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.
Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.
Displays this help document.
General tab
Specifies the general format of the label. See the tab.
Specifies the text of the label.
Specifies the icon formats.
- Style
Specifies the style for the icon that will be used in the label. If you don't want to show any icon in the label, you can choose No Icon from the drop-down list.
- Icon Text Gap
Specifies the distance between the icon and the label text.
- Fill
Specifies the color to fill the selected icon.
Click the color image button to display the color palette in which you can select a color, or click More Colors to customize the color within a wider range in the Pick a Color dialog, or click More Fill Effects to customize in the Fill Effects dialog. You can also input the hexadecimal value of a color directly in the text box after # if you have changed the default color.
- Transparency
Specifies the transparency of the color that is used to fill the selected icon.
- Width
Specifies the width of the icon, in pixels.
- Height
Specifies the height of the icon, in pixels.
Specifies the alignment format for text and icons in the label.
- Text
Specifies the alignment format for text in the label.
- Icon
Specifies the alignment format for icons in the label.
Fill tab
Specifies the color schema to fill the title of the label. See the tab.
Specifies the color to fill the label. Click the color image button to display the color palette in which you can select a color, or click More Colors to customize the color within a wider range in the Pick a Color dialog, or click More Fill Effects to customize in the Fill Effects dialog. You can also input the hexadecimal value of a color directly in the text box after # if you have changed the default color.
Specifies the transparency of the color.
Displays the specified color and transparency effects.
Border tab
Specifies properties of the label border. See the tab.
Border Style
Specifies the type for border of the label. It could be none, raised, recess, shadow and solid.
Specifies the color for border of the label. Click the color image button to display the color palette in which you can select a color, or click More Colors to customize the color within a wider range in the Pick a Color dialog. You can also input the hexadecimal value of a color directly in the text box after #.
Line Style
Specifies the line style to apply to the label border.
Specifies the thickness of the label border, in pixels.
Specifies the transparency for the color of the label border.
End Caps
Specifies the ending style of the border line.
- Butt
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with no added decoration.
- Round
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a round decoration that has a radius equal to half of the width of the pen.
- Square
Ends unclosed sub paths and dash segments with a square projection that extends beyond the end of the segment to a distance equal to half of the line width.
Line Joint
Specifies the line joint style for the border line.
- Miter
Joins path segments by extending their outside edges until they meet.
- Round
Joins path segments by rounding off the corner at a radius of half the line width.
- Bevel
Joins path segments by connecting the outer corners of their wide outlines with a straight segment.
Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.
- Outline Path
Specify the fill pattern of the border line to be outline path.
- Fill Path
Specify the fill pattern of the border line to be whole path.
Specifies the dash size of border line.
- Auto Adjusted Dash
If selected, the dash size will be adjusted automatically.
- Fixed Dash Size
If selected, the dash size will be fixed size.
Font tab
Specifies the font format of the label text. See the tab.
Specifies the font format of label text.
- Font list
Lists all the available font faces that can be selected to apply to the text.
- Font Size
Specifies the font size of the text.
- Font Color
Specifies the font color of the text. Click the color image button to display the color palette in which you can select a color, or click More Colors to customize the color within a wider range in the Pick a Color dialog, or click More Fill Effects to customize in the Fill Effects dialog. You can also input the hexadecimal value of a color directly in the text box after #.
- Transparency
Specifies the transparency of the text.
- Rotation
Specifies the rotation angle of the text around its center, in degrees. The default value is 0.
- Shearing
Specifies the gradient of the text.
Specifies the special effects of the label text.
- Style
Specifies the font style of the text. It can be one of the following: plain, bold, italic, and bold italic.
- Strikethrough
Specifies the style of the horizontal line with which the text is struck through. It can be one of the following: none, thin line, bold line, and double lines.
- Underline
Specifies the style of the horizontal line under the text. It can be one of the following: none, single, single lower, bold line, bold lower, double lines, bold double, patterned line, and bold patterned.
- Superscript
Raises the text above the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is available.
- Embossed
Makes the text appear to be raised off the page in relief.
- Outlined
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
- Subscript
Lowers the text below the baseline and changes the text to a smaller font size, if a smaller size is available.
- Engraved
Makes the text appear to be imprinted or pressed into the page.
- Shadowed
Adds a shadow beneath and to the right of the text.
Displays the specified font and any text effects.
Orientation tab
This tab allows you to set the alignment format of the label text and the icon. See the tab.
Drag the pointer in the box to specify the alignment format of the label text and the icon.
Specify the alignment format of the label text and the icon.
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