Format Legend dialog for library component

This dialog appears when you double-click the legend of a chart in a library component, or right-click it and select Format Legend from the shortcut menu. This dialog allows you to format the legend in a chart, and consists of the following tabs:


Applies the changes and closes the dialog.


Does not retain any changes and closes the dialog.


Applies all changes and leaves the dialog open.


Displays this help document.

Fill tab

Specifies the color and its transparency for the legend of the chart. See the tab.


Specifies the color to fill the legend. Click the color image button to display the color palette in which you can select a color, or click More Colors to customize the color within a wider range in the Pick a Color dialog, or click More Fill Effects to customize in the Fill Effects dialog. You can also input the hexadecimal value of a color directly in the text box after # if you have changed the default color.


Specifies the transparency of the color.

Border tab

Specifies the properties for border of the legend. See the tab.

Border Style

Specifies the type for border of the legend. It could be none, raised, recess, shadow and solid.


Specifies the color for border of the legend. Click the color image button to display the color palette in which you can select a color, or click More Colors to customize the color within a wider range in the Pick a Color dialog. You can also input the hexadecimal value of a color directly in the text box after #.

Line Style

Specifies the line style to apply to the border of the legend.


Specifies the thickness of the border, in pixels


Specifies the transparency for the color of the border.

End Caps

Specifies the ending style of the border line.

Line Joint

Specifies the line joint style for the border line.


Specifies the fill pattern of the border line.


Specifies the dash size of border line.


Displays a preview sample of your selection.

Placement tab

Specifies the location of the legend object. See the tab.


Specifies the position of the legend to be left, right, top, bottom or decided it by JReport automatically. You can preview the samples.


Specifies the alignment format for the legend.

Legend-Label Gap

Specifies the minimum distance between the legend entry labels.

Reverse Legend

Specifies whether the legend entries will be re-arranged in a reverse order.

Show Scrollbar

Specifies whether to show a scrollbar on the legend to fully view the legend content when the content does not fit into the legend.


Specifies whether to truncate the legend entry label text when the text overflow the labels.

Font tab

Specifies the font format of text in the legend entry labels. See the tab.


Specifies the font format of text in the legend entry labels.


Specifies the special effects of text in the legend entry labels.


Displays the specified font and any text effects.

Orientation tab

Specifies the alignment format of the legend entry labels. See the tab.


Specifies the orientation of the legend entry labels.


Specifies the angel of the legend entry labels.

Format tab

Specifies properties for the legend entry labels. See the tab.


Specifies different formats to display the legend entry labels.


Displays all the formats of the selected category. For more details about every format, see A detailed chart property reference.


Specifies the properties for the format that you selected.


Lists all the formats that you selected from different categories.


Displays the effects of the selected format that has been added into the Stack list box.


Adds a format to the Stack list box.


Removes a format from the Stack list box.


Applies the specified format in the Stack list box to the legend entry marks.

Note: To make settings in this tab take effect, you need to first make sure that the property Label Format Source of the chart legend has been set to Legend Label Format in the Report Inspector.

Mark tab

Specifies the format of the legend entry marks. See the tab.


Specifies whether to customize the format of the legend entry marks.

Use Node as Mark

Specifies whether to apply the format of line nodes to the legend entry marks. If selected, the legend entry marks will automatically inherit the style and color of line nodes. Available for line charts only.

Use Line and Node as Mark

Specifies whether to apply the format of lines and line nodes to the legend entry marks. If checked, the legend entry marks will automatically inherit the style and color of lines and line nodes. Available for line charts only.

Mark Items

Specifies the style of the legend entry marks. Select the mark item from the box one by one and choose the style for each item from the drop-down list. Available only when Customize is checked.


Specifies the properties of the icons.


Specifies the border properties of the icons. Available only when Customize is checked.


Displays the specified item and mark effects.

Behaviors tab

Specifies some web behaviors to the legend of the chart. See the tab.

Adds a new web behavior line.

Removes the selected web behavior.

Moves the selected web behavior up a step.

Moves the selected web behavior down a step.


Specifies the trigger event.

Specifies the action you want the event to trigger.

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