Downloading resources from JReport Server

Resources managed on JReport Server can be downloaded to your local computer and further modified using JReport Designer.

To download resources from JReport Server:

  1. In JReport Designer: The Connect to JReport Server dialog appears. See the dialog.
  2. Type in the host and port of the remote JReport Server in the Host and Port text fields.
  3. When using a standalone server, enter /jrserver in the Servlet Path text field or the context root of your web application if deployed as a war or ear fie such as /jreport/jrserver.
  4. If the server has been integrated with another web server that supports SSL, select the SSL (Security Socket Layer) checkbox to create an SSL connection.
  5. Check Remember connection information to enable JReport Designer to remember the connection information.
  6. Provide the user name and password of the server. When the organization feature is enabled and when the user is an organization user, User Name should include the organization name. Use \ to separate the organization name and the user name, for example, org1\user1.
  7. Click Connect. The Download from JReport Server dialog is then displayed. See the dialog.
  8. In the Download Resource From text field, click the Browse button to specify the folder on the server where to download resources. The resources in the specified folder will then be loaded automatically in the resource tree box.
  9. In the resource tree box, check the checkboxes in front of the resources that you want to download.
  10. Click the Browse button next to the Download Resource To text field to specify the path to which resources will be downloaded, or type in the directory in the text field directly.
  11. Click the OK button to download the resources from JReport Server.

When the resources are successfully downloaded from JReport Server, you can then open them in JReport Designer, and further edit them if required. However, if any report is created in Page Report Studio based on business/report cubes, it can only be previewed in JReport Designer.

See also Download from JReport Server dialog for details about options in the dialog.
