Publishing resources

JReport Designer, as a report design tool, allows you to publish your resources from JReport Designer to your local computer or to JReport Server.

Publishing resources locally

JReport Designer supports publishing resources locally. That is, publishing resources to any directory on your computer or across your intranet.

To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. In JReport Designer, click File > Publish and Download > Publish to Local Directory to bring up the Publish to Local Directory dialog. See the dialog.
  2. Click the Browse button to select a catalog, or type the catalog name with its full path directly into the From Catalog text field, and then press Enter to specify the catalog. All the reports in the specified catalog will then be displayed in the Select Report box.
  3. Select the reports that you want to publish from the Select Report box and click the arrow button to add them to the box on the right, or directly drag the reports you want to publish from the Select Report box to the box on the right. If no report is selected here, only the catalog will be published.
  4. Specify a directory for the catalog and reports that are to be published.

    Click the Browse button to the right of the To Local Directory text field, and locate a directory in the Get Directory dialog. Or you can type a directory in the text box directly. If you type in a directory which does not exist, JReport Designer will automatically create it for you.

  5. Click Next to view or modify properties of the data source connection.

    First, select a data source from the Catalog Data Source drop-down list, and then the connection properties of the selected data source will be displayed. If the selected data source is built on a JDBC connection, you can click the Modify button to modify properties of the data source connection in the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog.

  6. Click the Finish button to publish the catalog and reports.

See also Publish to Local Directory dialog for details about options in the dialog.

Publishing resources remotely

To publish your resources to JReport Server, follow the steps below:

  1. In JReport Designer: The Connect to JReport Server dialog appears. See the dialog.
  2. Type in the host and port of the remote JReport Server in the Host and Port text fields.
  3. When using a standalone server, enter /jrserver in the Servlet Path text field or the context root of your web application if deployed as a war or ear file such as /jreport/jrserver.
  4. If the server has been integrated with another web server that supports SSL, select the SSL (Security Socket Layer) checkbox to create an SSL connection.
  5. Check Remember connection information to enable JReport Designer to remember the connection information.
  6. Provide the user name and password of the server. When the organization feature is enabled and when the user is an organization user, User Name should include the organization name. Use \ to separate the organization name and the user name, for example, org1\user1.
  7. Click Connect. The Publish to JReport Server dialog is then displayed. See the dialog.

  8. Click the Browse button next to the Publish Resource From text field to find the directory where your resources are located, and the resources in the specified directory will be loaded automatically. If you choose to type in the directory in the text field directly, you need to press Enter on the keyboard to load the resources in that directory.
  9. In the resource tree box, check the checkboxes in front of the resources that you want to publish. To publish all the resources in the specified directory, check Select All.
  10. In the Publish Resource To text field, click the Browse button to specify the folder on the server where the resources are to be published.
  11. Select a to-be-published resource in the resource tree box and then click the More Options button to set properties for the resource.
  12. In the Properties tab,
    1. In the Resource Node Name text field, specify a name to be displayed in the server resource tree for the resource. You can type a name in the text field or click the Browse button to select a resource name from the Select Resource Name dialog, where all resource names of the same type as the selected resource, which are contained in the Publish Resource To path, are displayed.
    2. In the Resource Description text box, type a brief description to describe the resource.
    3. If a report is selected, specify the status of the report by selecting the required item from the Status drop-down list.
    4. If a folder is selected, type a local disk path in the Resource Real Path text field as the real path of the folder. If you would like to map the real path resources into the new node created for the folder in the server resource tree so that the server will always be able to get the resources and updates from the real path, check the option Enable Resources from Real Paths.
    5. Specify custom field values for the resource if there are custom fields enabled on JReport Server.
    6. Check Apply Archive Policy to apply an archive policy to the resource.
  13. In the Permissions tab, check the Enable Setting Permissions option to specify permissions for the selected resource (this tab is available only when you have specified to publish the resources to the Public Reports folder on the server).
  14. If the selected resource is a catalog, the Connection tab will be activated. You can view and modify properties of the selected data source connection as required.

    First, select a data source from the Catalog Data Source drop-down list, and then the connection properties of the selected data source will be displayed. If the selected data source is built on a JDBC connection, you can click the Modify button to modify properties of the data source connection in the Get JDBC Connection Information dialog.

  15. Repeat steps 10 - 12 to set properties for other resources as required.
  16. Click OK to publish the resources. If the resources that you are publishing contain reports or library components that use style groups, special fonts, or geographic information, the Publish Font and Style and Geographic Information dialog will be displayed for you to specify them.

See also Publish to JReport Server dialog for details about options in the dialog.
